Bat Boy is FULLY FUNDED on Kickstarter!

Bat Boy

Ryosuke isn't just your regular high-school kid. He and his fellow sports-star friends secretly battle against the evil invading forces of Lord Vicious, hellbent on hosting sinister athletic events for his own amusement! Ryosuke is Bat Boy!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41038584/10c137fdbcc3c40e47c9a0dfa0fb909a5ef9039c.png[/img][h2]Hello everyone! Sorry for the delayed update, we've been a little overwhelmed, but for good reason.[/h2] [h3]As of Friday 12th of August 4pm JST, Bat Boy succeeded in it's funding on Kickstarter! We were struggling for a time, having only reached 64% funding with 72 hours to go. But we got that miracle in the end and everyone rallied behind us to fund the project to 109% in just under 3 days! Admittedly we were NOT expecting this outcome. Over the course of most of the month, we were only ever increasing by 1 or 2% at a time and by day 26 or 27, we were at 64%. We were THIS close to calling it a loss, but then in the very last few moments, we got a massive surge of interest and funding for the campaign. We were also very VERY lucky to catch the attention of not only [b]Jirard The Completionist[/b] but also [b]Yacht Club Games[/b], the creators of Shovel Knight themselves! With this, as well as some very generous high-tier backers, we skyrocketed up to the 100% funded goal and nudged past it to end the campaign at 109%! So, if you are a Kickstarter backer, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You helped us make this happen![/h3]