Update Version 4.0.1: Hard Mode is here!

Ikki Unite

SUNSOFT relapses... The legendary Bad Game Hall of Famer "Ikki" is back, and this time it's a multiplayer experience! You can't start a riot with just one or two people! Enlist up to 16 friends in this Roguelite madness... Ikki but united!

[h2][New Features][/h2] [list] [*] Hard Mode has been added. [*] Hard Mode does not have a Flipside [*] Quick Match is not available for Hard Mode [/list] [h3]A new item, the Famicom Cassette has been added. Appearance is quite rare.[/h3] [h2]【Reworks】[/h2] [list] [*] Koshimoto [/list] Reworked Autumn's Love and Spring's Love. [list] [*] Bonze [/list] Reworked Immortal Moxibustion . Changed to permanently increase the maximum health (HP) of all allies! The effect increases with each use! [list] [*] Yosaku [/list] Reworked White Work Talisman. Now recovers health when hit by a strengthened smash attack using Work Talisman. [list] [*] Heihachiro [/list] Changed the main item of the Kusarigama's enhancement contents. [h2]【Specification Changes and Adjustments】[/h2] [list] [*]Made the following fixes regarding the selection of Hermit Quests: Until version 3.1.4, quests that were not selected would be excluded from future draws after a selection, but from version 4.0.1, only selected quests will be excluded from the next draw. For example, if the Bamboo Spear quest is not selected, the chance of it being drawn later increases. [*] Adjusted the probability of weapon rarity upgrades in Hermit Quests. [*] Increased the probability of higher rarities being drawn. [*] Reduced the collection range of the Bag. [*] Adjusted so that Oni Daikokuten and Oni Benzaiten will appear in solo mode if there are three or more bells combined with allies. [*] Adjusted so that at Flipside pop points, if a route was not taken on the Frontside, it will pop on that Flipside route. However, if both routes were taken, it will pop on either. [*] Adjusted so that in Hermit Quests with escape from minor enemy type quests, minor enemies that appeared for the quest will disappear at the end of the quest. [*] Expanded the range of item drop positions from chests. This reduces the chance of items falling in unreachable places. [*] From version 3.1.2, the maximum number of sub-weapons that can be held was adjusted to 2. [*] Adjusted the increase rate of invincibility occurrence for Gonbe's Yellow Body Talisman and Tago's Green Man Talisman. [*] Minstrel Fixed the visuals of musical notes. [*] About the Shamisen specification: Buffs do not apply to NPCs. They also do not bounce back when hit by NPCs. Similarly, area attack buffs also do not apply to NPCs. [*] Goemon Adjusted the random values of smoke. [*] Bodyguard Buffed the damage of the green Idaten. [*] Onmyoji Changed the order of the Five Elements Formation to: Fuel → Tamahagane → Lumber → Scroll → Overall Attack. [/list] [h2]【Bug Fixes】[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where interacting with the Hermit immediately after the Flipside appears and selecting the Flipside again caused unintended behavior. [*] Fixed a bug where Hermit Quests were instantly cleared if they overlapped. [*] Fixed a bug where the remaining time was not updated if the remaining time of Slow, Weakness, Panic, and Paralysis effects on enemies was longer than the overwrite time when these effects were re-applied. [*] Fixed display issues when a shield is destroyed. [*] Fixed so that the boomerang, which took time to return during Shogun Summons, returns immediately if it gets too far away. [/list] Various other corrections.