[Update] ver0.9.0 has been released.

The following Mashup Tracks have been added to Mashup Mode: [list] [*] AQUA BEAT x Never cry for you [*] AQUA BEAT x Spray [*] AQUA BEAT x 時計台の記憶 -reminiscence- [*] abrasive disc x Can You Feeeeeel It [*] abrasive disc x Let's remember August [*] abrasive disc x Save The Night [/list] New Features and Improvements [list] [*] Players are now able to change their icon on their Ghost Board on the Ghost Battle Home screen. We will be adding more customization options to the Ghost Board, so please keep an eye out for them in future updates! [/list] Bugfixes [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused song previews to still play during the Mashup Mode tutorial. [*] Other small bugfixes. [/list]