[hotfix] Patch 0.1.3 has been released!

[list] [*] Audio Buffer Size has been added to System Settings. If the game's audio does not output correctly, increasing this value can fix this issue. [*] Fixed a bug where, on the Title Screen, the title BGM would play but the video would not, causing the game to softlock. [*] Fixed a bug where set Favorites would not save. [*] Fixed a bug where the achievement "Hey just, calm down for a second!" would be awarded after failing a song on Ultimate Gauge. [*] Fixed a bug where failing a song on Survival or Ultimate Gauge would be counted as Cleared with respect to the filters in the song select screen. This would cause, for example, songs failed on Ultimate Gauge to not display when the "No Ultimate" filter was turned on on the song select screen. [*] Fixed a bug where the position of the selected Mashup Track would not save correctly after playing a song in Mashup Mode. [*] Fixed a bug on the Free Play song select screen where applying filters would not result in consistent song ordering. [*] Fixed the description text on the Visual Offset Adjustment setting in the Advanced Settings menu. [*] Scroll speeds that are changed in game will now be properly saved. [*] In the event of a score tie, the player that first got the score will be displayed above the player that tied the score on the Ranking screen. [*] Changed the displayed time on the Ranking screen to be in line with the user's current timezone. [*] Various small changes. [/list]