DeoVR is the best-in-class VR video player for all available headsets. Enjoy the best moments of your favorite videos. The built-in VR media browser delivers the best VR content from YouTube and other popular video sites. A player of a choice by VR video professionals and fans
[h1]Release notes[/h1]
[h3]New Features:[/h3]
[*] Introduced categories and filters to website
[/list][h3]Bug fixes:[/h3]
[*] Fixed incorrect values of image settings
[*] Fixed sorting of videos and adjusted visuals of sort
[*] Fixed various UI issues
[*] Keyboard:[/*][list]
[*] Now has input field on top to more easily edit typed text[/*][*] Added a shortcuts to most used email addresses[/*][/list][*] Updated visuals of message box panels[/*]