Update ver. 13.5

DeoVR Video Player

DeoVR is the best-in-class VR video player for all available headsets. Enjoy the best moments of your favorite videos. The built-in VR media browser delivers the best VR content from YouTube and other popular video sites. A player of a choice by VR video professionals and fans

[h1]Release notes[/h1] [h3]New Features:[/h3] [list] [*] Support for Meta Quest Pro [*] Haptic feedback on controllers when hovering over buttons, sliders and scrollbars (except for Pico and HTC Vive) [list] [*] You can disable haptic feedback inside Global Settings under Player and switch Controllers vibration switch to off [/list] [*] New virtual environment for Christmas [list] [*] It will automatically switch to it if you have default (black) background, otherwise you can find it inside Global Settings under Personalize and select Christmas 2022 [/list] [/list] [h3]Improvements:[/h3] [list] [*] H265 is now the default codec on PICO devices [*] Build-Your-Own-Journey (BYOJ) now ignores empty jumps [*] Quality and encoding dropdown is now hidden when playing videos that do not support it [*] Virtual environments are no longer affected by software re-center [*] Chroma key/passthrough: [list] [*] Color range slider is now less sensitive [*] Color box is now visible when dragging sliders [*] Improved performance when using color wheel [*] Added an icon to thumbnails on hub to easily see which videos have passthrough configured [/list] [/list]