Update ver.0.2.4

Witch and Lilies

Witch and Lilies is a 3D dungeon-crawling RPG where you foster romantic relationships between girls. Form a party of five girls from ten unique classes to navigate dangerous dungeons - all the while managing the relationships between them!

We have released version 0.2.4 [h1]## Added New Features[/h1] [list] [*] Inventory capacity is now always displayed. [*] Added key guides for "Use" and "Discard" in the inventory. [*] Added a key guide for "Use" for skills outside of battle. [*] Added a notification feature for new items added to the SHOP. [*] Added a "New" indicator to the item type selection window and tabs when new items are added to the SHOP. [/list] [h1]## Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the quests "If You Stay Close","Supporting Each Other," and "Witch's Scenery" would sometimes not trigger. If you are currently progressing through these quests, please discard and reaccept them. [*] Fixed the appropriate operation guides to be displayed when switching tabs in the SHOP and INVENTORY screens. [*] Fixed the central upper message to change when selecting BOOST. [*] Fixed an issue where the sound effect was playing twice on the INN > STORAGE screen. [*] Fixed the sound effect to play correctly when switching positions in the FORMATION screen. [*] Fixed an issue where closing the menu after selecting "EQUIP" in the SHOP would cause you to exit the SHOP. [*] Fixed an issue where the remaining turn count display for buffs and debuffs in the battle INFO had incorrect maximum values. [*] Fixed an issue where the bottom status display overlapped with some windows. [*] Fixed an issue where toggling the menu display in TOWN caused bugs in the bottom status display. [*] Fixed the appropriate operation guides to be displayed when switching tabs in the INVENTORY screen. [*] Fixed minor display issues. [*] Fixed minor typographical errors. [/list] We will continue to work on improvements to make the game even better. Thank you for your support of Witch & Lilies.