Update ver.0.2.2

Witch and Lilies

Witch and Lilies is a 3D dungeon-crawling RPG where you foster romantic relationships between girls. Form a party of five girls from ten unique classes to navigate dangerous dungeons - all the while managing the relationships between them!

バージョン0.2.2を公開いたしました [h1]## New Features Added/h1] [list] [*] Added a conversation event skip function. [*] Added a feature to display explanations of each facility at the top of the screen in TOWN. [*] Added a conversation log function within dungeons. [/list] [h1]## Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where events in the quest "Ancient Errant" would not trigger. [*] Fixed minor UI display issues. [*] Improved the visibility of the status display at the bottom of the screen. [*] Fixed a bug where normal operation was not possible when depositing an item with only one remaining into STORAGE. [*] Fixed a bug where the screen layout was broken during job changes. [*] Fixed an issue where passive skills related to AGI and action speed were not applied correctly. [*] Fixed a bug where the action instruction screen remained if the action instruction was canceled while holding items up to the maximum limit. [*] Changed the conversation log display to track from the latest text. [*] Fixed a bug where the process of discarding items could be executed even when there were no items in the inventory. [*] Fixed an issue where debuff names from some enemies were not displayed correctly. [*] Fixed a bug where the passive skills "Fondness Boost" and "Displeasure Reduction" were not applied correctly. [*] Fixed an issue where the affinity correction was not applied when affection increased after battle. [*] Fixed a bug where the status ailment resistance of the active skill "Resist Aura" was not applied correctly. [*] Adjusted the formula so that the higher the resistance, the easier it is to recover from status ailments naturally. [/list] We will continue to work on improvements to make the game even better. Thank you for your support of Witch & Lilies.