Update v1.7.0

False Dream

You find yourself trapped in a dream. If you capture anomalies in the dream with a camera, you might be able to escape.

I have updated to v1.7.0. - The game progress can now be saved. By choosing "Save and return to title" from the pause menu, a button labeled "Revert" will appear on the title menu. Choosing this allows you to continue the game from where you left off. - Removed the protagonist's monologue in the prologue and replaced it with a display of tasks. The modification aims to prevent the monologue from interfering with the player's immersion in the game. - Anomalies' Names  - Rename from "Cue" to "Cue-chan." ("Chan" is a Japanese suffix indicating affection in nicknames)  - Capitalization adjustments for English representation. - Removed the flashlight next to the TV in the epilogue wake-up event. - Environment  - Changed the default state of the TV to off.  - Improved the handle of the refrigerator.  - Added a ventilation fan in the kitchen.  - Corrected the shape of the bath bucket. - Anomalies (Warning: Spoilers)  - Handprint   - Enhanced presentation (voice).   - Improved materials.   - Opens the door upon completion.  - Improved the quality of the effect to show/hide handprints on the floor and ceiling.  - Adjusted the conspicuousness of the anomaly in the closet by modifying the bending degree.  - After capturing the boy, fixed it to leave the capturable spot even after the boy disappears.  - Added falling sound for the spider-bath-chair.  - Fixed the polygon of the water surface on the washbasin that was protruding.