Update v1.03.1 - Improvements and bug fixes


Isbarah is a cross-genre of bullet hell and platformer style, it's a hardcore 2d game and each level is a duel boss fight. Players will need to fully understand the boss patterns. It’s built on smartly managing your powers and to use them wisely to survive - everything in our game involves dodging and making smart movements.

Hi there! Alongside some minor bug fixes and general game balance, here’s what changes in this update: [list] [*]Loading time has been shortened when you restart a level. We hope it will be more comfortable for those who aim at the perfect run ;) [*]You should now be able to bind extra mouse buttons in the Input Settings. [*]Achievements descriptions have been made more precise. [/list] Major bug fixes: [list] [*]The “7th Hell bonus score” on tutorial bug is fixed. [*]Invisible barriers should not randomly stay activated on final boss fight. [*]The difficulty selection screen won’t appear anymore when restarting the tutorial. [*]Rank is now correctly updated on the Score screen when Challenge points are added to the score. [*]The “Barrier tutorial” should now correctly be launched each time you fight Walter, unless the “Skip barrier tutorial” checkbox is ticked. [/list] Be aware that because of the score bug on the first level, the corresponding leaderboard will be reseted once the update is live.