Update v0.7

Northend Tower Defense

Jump into a realtime strategy, action filled battlefield, deploy relentless soldiers, unlock powerful troops and vehicles, upgrade your army, decimate the enemy. If that's not enough, jump into a chaotic Zombie mode, with traps, fun upgrades, and a new gameplay!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/b16d7b891a5b675a807998a58a81dccafe259ef1.jpg[/img] [quote]Greetings commanders, Update V0.7 is now available! New units, unit presets, windowed mode, selling feature, visual improvements, QOL additions, corpse disappearing , and trucks exploding! List of changes and additions are below. [/quote] [previewyoutube=qe54hTB1Oo0;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]FEATURES[/h2] [h4]Unit Presets[/h4] From 7 different presets you can choose from and play with! [list] [*]Random [*]Close [*]Far [*]Attackers [*]Missiles and Explosives [*]Iron Wall [*]Basic [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/3b5e4f40855666d3713e6c45e3c6cc0a0be19a40.gif[/img] [h4]Selling Units[/h4] Now you can sell units on the battlefield and replace them with better ones! [list] [*]More than half the health, you will get 70% of the original price [*]Below than half of the health, you will get 30% of the original price [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/a863743e1b8fd52ea1b6eec1ff231fe6e9afec90.gif[/img] [h2]NEW UNITS[/h2] [h4]Sniper Rework[/h4] Sniper now looks way better and have better special ability also more animations! [list] [*]Special ability: Any enemy that gets hit by the sniper will be Marked, marked units will be damaged x1.5 more than average damage. [/list] [h4]Crossbow man[/h4] Celebrating our Chinese players giving us tremendous support we decided to make an ancient Chinese crossbow unit! [list] [*]Special ability: With his ancient powers, before he dies, the corssbow man does a final stand with a 300% more attack speed [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/8028b8ed5b61d67449eade74954948b2403b1466.gif[/img] [h2]DEATH ANIMATIONS[/h2] [h4]Unit's Death[/h4] Now all units when dying will deflate like a balloon and wont just disappear! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/44146ce419ba0596a2cc2a85d70b4a1bb1e33e0a.gif[/img] [h4]Transport Car Explosion[/h4] When a transport car explode, the body and tires will fly off, it will be a wreck! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/be669fe3893f173ef9ee446cd761c3f8b9c3443d.gif[/img] [h2]DISPLAY ADDITIONS[/h2] [h4]Windowed Mode[/h4] We got a lot of requests for Windowed mode, so here it's! [h2]BALANCE CHANGES[/h2] [h4]Balanced[/h4] [list] [*] Limited HTL mode to 30 wave for now until it's fixed [*] Increased Armored unit Damage [/list] [h2]QUALITY OF LIFE ADDITIONS[/h2] [h4]Persistent Units Deployment[/h4] Persistent units deployment instead of clicking each time to deploy [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/2bb41e763dfbf4628bae9ca537d712b188207454.gif[/img] [h4]Saving Campaign Progress[/h4] Saving Campaign progress after quitting, you can go back to the level you left of [h4]Camera Shake[/h4] Now you can turn off camera shake from the options [h4]Display Unit's Health Bar[/h4] Now the player can see each unit's health bar [h2]GRAPHICS[/h2] [h4]Colors[/h4] We fixed a lot of maps colors, to look clearer and better [h4]Units Cards[/h4] We replaced the old small looking icons, with better looking cards for each unit! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/aaa178016588bb971ee2cf0a522df52941c38262.gif[/img] [h4]VFX[/h4] We added new visual effects, for airstrike, upgrades, healing, and more [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/7bb42dbef7692209d84d9240ac0ab0fefe06f3e9.gif[/img] [h4]Parachute units[/h4] Parachute units drop looks better than before [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888943/10d8726acb4e2b474d548ce82f1538c864c4ff47.gif[/img] [h2]UI CHANGES AND ADDITIONS[/h2] [h4]Darker Icons[/h4] Icons will be darker in game, when they can't be used [h4]Win/Lose Summary UI[/h4] [list] [*] Changed the look of the end summary [*] In Campaign, show collected HP so far [*] In Campaign, show what's the next map [*] In Free play, show collected HP [/list] [h2]ECONOMY CHANGES[/h2] [h4]Honor Points[/h4] [list] [*] Gain HP in Free Play [*] HP no longer resets each time you start a new run [/list] [h4]Unlocking Upgrades and Units[/h4] [list] [*] Adjusted the HP for buying new units to be relevant to each unit [*] Adjusted the numbers to open new upgrades for each unit [/list] [h2]SOUND TRACKS[/h2] [h4]NETD Original Sound Tracks[/h4] [list] [*] Added one new sound track in game "Morse Code" [*] New sound tracks will be added one by one soon [/list] [h2]BUGS[/h2] [h4]Fixed[/h4] [list] [*] Building on the edge of building area will make the unit placed up [*] Naval Base map had units pathing problems [*] Different translation issues has been resolved [/list] For more detailed plan of what's happen, check our Trello: https://trello.com/b/DPUxxzOV/netd-roadmap Thank you everyone for all the feedback! Enjoy gaming, Northend Games Team