UPDATE = true

[h2]BEGIN COMMUNICATION.[/h2] It's been 10 day's since [b]EQI[/b] launched on Steam, and we're happy - and a little bit overwhelmed - with the great reception. Thousands of users played the game, even more added it to their libraries. Our little trippy FPP action-puzzle reached a mind-blowing number of [b]nearly 100 000 players[/b] in the first week! Your Steam reviews are heartwarming, and every recommendation makes more people try EQI. Among the praises, you have given us some valuable feedback. This - in turn - gave us the incentive to introduce some improvements: [list] [*] Those who finished the game, can now skip levels pressing "T" or "start" button on the controller. [*] The "Long Bridge" level has been slightly re-worked, to make it more approachable and... well... fair. [*] The checkpoint system has been improved, to make sure your progress in the game is steady. [*] To return to the last checkpoint you will press "Y" on your keyboard or controller. [*] Per player-request you can now toggle run mode pressing "r" or "caps-lock", [/list] [h2]EQI OST[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39014368/065c82c893facd0f8d1413ac9f32d1bcb704777a.png[/img] If you have completed the game and successfully transcended, you might find yourself free of your earthly needs. In which case, we'll be happy to free you from $2.99 of your contemporary wealth. This Thursday, EQI OST is hitting steam, so you can support us with your purchase. You can [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1522780/EQI_Soundtrack/]add it to your wishlist[/url] now, so you don't forget. For more [b]Hyperstrangeness[/b] - follow our [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/pub/hyperstrange]publisher profile[/url][/b] on Steam, and stay in touch via [url=https://twitter.com/HYPERSTRANGE][b]Twitter[/b][/url]. [h2]END COMMUNICATION.[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39014368/79deebf1649640d3fdfeeff931af43b92d8c2173.png[/img]