Gameplay balance update changelog

Quite a lot of people have played EQI and voice their opinions. There was one thing coming up quite frequently. The long bridge level. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39014368/2abfcf51f3fcd4ebe79571ff3184292f36da675a.png[/img] You found it frustrating, and following many people play-throughs we were able to pin-point the most frustrating parts. We decided to act upon your feedback, and - just this once - make the game a bit ore forgiving. [list] [*] The checkpoint location in the Long Bridge level has been altered, so now it is closer to the hard part, to reduce backtracking [*] Some minor geometry alterations were made, to avoid pixel-perfect jump requirement [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39014368/9fa98d308433c5ca42d1aecc65ea5af651c89101.gif[/img] Enjoy your journey! END COMMUNICATIONS.