Update to Dandara: More challenging for veteran players and easier for new players

Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition

In a bizarre universe where the oppressed are on the brink of oblivion, Dandara has awoken to reshape the world.

[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/WRWUkmAuyg8meJK5tI/giphy.gif[/img] Dandara, our bold heroine in the directionless bizarre, gravity bending world, gets an update. There's news both to players who want a tougher challenge and for those who prefer a smoother journey with options making the game easier. Here's a list of changes: [b]Rebalancing of the difficulty curve and general quality updates, examples:[/b] [list] [*] Shorter time for using essences (Health and Energy flasks). [*] Rebalancing the last boss challenge, for a more fun and fairer one. [*] Rebalancing of the Dream Lands. [*] Redesign of the Mosquito enemy. [*] Sound alert when Dandara is at low health. [/list] [b]New Game+/Challenge options added after finishing the game for the first time. The following can be turned on:[/b] [list] [*] Permadeath, Dandara dies permanently without the ability to respawn. [*] Harsh Wounds, Dandara takes double damage. [*] No Grinding, Pleas of Salt can only be found in chests, meaning enemies or destructible objects won't drop them anymore. [*] Vengeful Enemies, every enemy spawn a revenge bullet in Dandara's direction when killed. The revenge bullet can be cancelled by leaping through it while it is stationary. [/list] [b]Easy options added. The following can be enabled:[/b] [list] [*] Unlimited Energy, secondary powers won't drain energy. [*] After dying, respawn at the last door entered. Enables the player to retry the challenge of each room without the need of backtracking to it. [*] More Flags mode, which adds more checkpoint flags throughout the map. [/list] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/RJ2bRANwEE35megeqM/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Expanded the Crib of Creation area for better onboarding with the game's mechanics and flow.[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/PiifHRSTcK0dFRUa2S/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Tutorial interface updated for mouse and keyboard.[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YRDQC8Ys9merX4z5Eg/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Vsync toggle added in Main Menu → Options Menu for PC and mobile platforms.[/b] [b]Additional features for veteran Dandara players:[/b] [list] [*] "Hidden" skip cutscene command: [*] Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+(Space Bar - Quick Double Press) [*] Controllers: Left Shoulder Button (L1/Z/L/LB) - Quick Double Press [*] Skip Crib of Creation: At The Void, after destroying the first target and opening the door, another target appears floating on the leftmost possible range of that scene. Shoot there to skip the Crib of Creation new tutorial rooms. [/list]