Update Plans (yes we're fixing the camera)


Grind on bendy straws, kickflip over staplers, and carve killer lines through cardboard and sticky tape parks. Above all else, skate birds try their best!

First, yes, we're super aware of the camera issues. It's at its worst when you're at the very start, learning the controls and bailing a lot. We missed that because we ran out of dedicated playtesters who hadn't seen/tried the game before (we're an extremely small studio). Sorry! We're on it. That's going to take a bit longer, so in the mean time: 1.0.1 launched last night, and addresses some immediate pain points, chief among them was the tutorial for going fast / getting higher was confusing folks. I added some small but important tweaks that I hope address that, so if you were one of the folks hitting that? Check out the updated Find Big Friend's Charger mission (or flip through How To Skate to the second to last page), and let me know if that helps. 1.0.2 will probably hit next week on around the 21st, and that'll include an accessibility toggle to disable the blur, along with the next sweep of high-priority quick fixes I can stuff in. This will likely also include more camera angles for create-a-birb (so you can clearly see all the clothes/decks). Next one after that will probably be a camera patch, but that one will take a bit longer. The current camera represents how far I was able to take Unity Cinemachine without it shaking itself apart, so the fix is to essentially throw out the camera system and write my own up from entirely bare metal. Totally doable, just takes a bit longer. Anyways, glad folks are enjoying and finding the game. Launch was surprisingly big. We hit the top 10 sellers on Steam there for a bit? Kinda wild! Just stick with us here for a bit while I put out a bunch of the usual post-launch fires and such. Thanks!