Update on 1.0 release schedule + Season 3 update news


Take on the role of a Vault Breaker in search of alien artifacts called “Vaults” and fight against monsters and powerful bosses. You can strengthen your Breakers to explore far-away galaxies that no one has ever reached!

Hello everyone, It’s been 11 months since ANVIL went on Early Access. Thank you for all the support during that time. To meet players’ expectations, we tried our best to go on 1.0 release, but development is taking much longer than anticipated. The game needs more polishing, content, and many other things to become a great game. As such, the 1.0 release date will be postponed. Instead of 1.0 release, we will have the Season 3 update, which we will share more about in the next few days. We apologize to everyone who has been waiting for the 1.0 launch, and we appreciate your understanding. Thank you