Update notes: v1.1.0

The Legend of Pomodoro

The Legend of Pomodoro is a pomodoro tool and an idle game driven by tomatoes.

Update notes v1.0.2 → v1.1.0: [list] [*]Added a progress bar to indicate progress of the current course [*]Added a dark mode [*]Added an option to disable winter season [*]Added a ticktock SFX [*]Updated the item sorting algorithm [*]Fixed a text layout issue of Unicode characters [*]Fixed a combat counter bug after retire [*]Fixed a potential crash when quit on 32bit Windows [*]Improved gain and cost of a few items [*]Improved description of the items [*]Improved scene interaction on the adventure map [*]Improved operation of the immersive mode [*]Improved description of the daily tasks [*]Improved a few item icons [/list]