Update Notes - September 2nd, 2022 (v2.1.6)

Discord Bot Maker

Discord Bot Maker is a powerful bot development tool for the #1 text and voice chat service for gamers: Discord. With this tool, you and your teammates can take your social experience to the next level!

[list] [*] Added [b]Await Message from Member[/b] to handle response messages. [*] Added "[Starts/Ends] With" and "Length is [Equals/Less Than/Greater Than]" conditions to [b]Check Variable[/b]. [*] Added [b]Message Content[/b] intent to [b]Bot Intents[/b] extension. [*] If any command is of type "Text Command", "Includes Word", "Regular Expression", or "Any Message" and the "Message Content" intent is not enabled, an error message will be printed in the bot log.* [/list] * Note: as of September 1st, 2022, if your bot needs to read messages, Discord requires bots to have the "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT" enabled. As a result, make sure the intent is checked in the Discord Developer Portal and [i]Discord Bot Maker -> Extensions -> Bot Intents -> Message Content[/i] is checked. Since some commands (Text Commands, Includes Word, etc.) require the bot to read the content of messages, this may be required. Otherwise, if you're using Slash Commands or Menu Commands, you have nothing to worry about!