Discord Bot Maker v1.2.0 "List and Loops" Update Released!

Discord Bot Maker

Discord Bot Maker is a powerful bot development tool for the #1 text and voice chat service for gamers: Discord. With this tool, you and your teammates can take your social experience to the next level!

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29866725/66d0a6896f5153edd222d9f0c94789550bbc6db5.png[/img] A couple days ago, the 1.2.0 update for Discord Bot Maker was released! Here are all the new features: [h1]Variable Tracker[/h1] Any variable name input now includes a dropdown/autocomplete function allowing users to reference previously defined variables. A list of variables is now also accessable from the right-click menu! [h1]Added 24 More Events[/h1] The rest of the Discord API's events have been added! Events may now request users to input two variable names. Please enjoy! [h1]Added new "List and Loops" Action Section[/h1] The new List and Loops actions will allow users to create complex algorithms for bulk item manipulations. For example, one may create a loop that repeats the same event throughout the context of each server the bot is within. One may also repeat an event for each existing role/channel/member within a specific server. The possibilities are endless! [h1]Added More Server Actions[/h1] [u]Find Server[/u] Can find any of the servers the bot is within [u]Store Server Info[/u] Takes information from a server and stores it within a variable [h1]Added More Conditions[/h1] [u]Check If Member has Role[/u] Checks if a server member has a role [u]Check Member Permissions[/u] Checks if a server member has a permission [h1]Call Command/Event[/h1] Commands and events can now be called from other commands and events synchronously or asynchronously! [h1]Create Invite[/h1] An invite link can now be created from a server channel. [h1]Edit Message[/h1] Bots are now capable of editing their own messages! [h1]Case-Sensitivity Control[/h1] Users may choose whether or not commands will be case-sensitive. [h1]Parameter Separator Control[/h1] Users may now provide their own Regular Expression to be used for parsing parameters from commands. [h1]Data Encryption[/h1] Users can now provide an encryption key to be used to encrypt data. [h1]Bot Owner Only Restriction[/h1] Commands can now have a restriction placed on them requiring the user be the owner of the bot. [h1]Auto Restart Option[/h1] Developers now have the option to automatically restart the bot if the bot is turned on and the developer saves. This is very convenient for testing! [h1]Manual Updating[/h1] One may manually choose to update their project by clicking [i]File -> Update Bot Project[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To see things in action, check out this quick demonstration video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdxJo4C5pw4 Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy! ~ Discord Bot Maker Dev