Update Notes For Nov 27

Tivick'ing! Chronicles

Tivick'ing! Chronicles is a turn-based fantasy RPG set on the continent of Arcadia. Play as the Prince of Kent as he tries to unravel the mystery of the strange pages appearing across the continent, and their possible connection to his missing sister.

[u][b]Text Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Corrected a spelling error in the book "The Moon and the Silver Chariot" [*]Corrected a spelling error in the book "The Girl and the Dragon" [*]Corrected a spelling error in Lars' letter to herself [*]Female NPC in the top-left house of Chet now displays the correct dialogue text when spoken to after [spoiler]being thrown back in time 3 months[/spoiler] [/list] [u][b]Sprite Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Houses in Ford now display the correct sprite for their doors [*]The Yellow Faeries in Gemad Forest now display in front of the tree instead of behind it [/list] [u][b]Other Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Saving on the overworld now completely exits out of the Pause Menu [*]The item Winterberries can no longer be acquired until after requested from the Travelling Merchant [*]A problematic moving platform in Deep Crater Rock has been removed [/list] [u][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Saving multiple times consecutively on the overworld no longer stacks the 'Save Completed' message [*]The game no longer crashes when trying to set a shortcut for Field Commands other than Return [*]Morgan now joins the party with full HP when recruiting her on Bower Bridge [*]Bandits on Bower Bridge no longer behave oddly when spoken to [*]The screen now fades in properly when travelling from the Airship to the Salt Mines for the second time onwards [/list]