Update Notes For Jan 18

Tivick'ing! Chronicles

Tivick'ing! Chronicles is a turn-based fantasy RPG set on the continent of Arcadia. Play as the Prince of Kent as he tries to unravel the mystery of the strange pages appearing across the continent, and their possible connection to his missing sister.

[u][b]Text Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Corrected some errors in various character dialogue [/list] [u][b]Sprite Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]The faeries sprite in Crystal Caverns no longer erroneously changes colour when interacted with [*]Corrected a sprite visibility issue in the scene that plays after entering the destroyed town of Ford for the first time, if entering from the South entrance [*]Corrected a sprite visibility issue in the scene that plays after exiting Mayor Maple's house [*]Corrected a sprite visibility issue in the scene that plays after [spoiler]examining the reports in the Secret Room in Dark Castle[/spoiler] [/list] [u][b]Other Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Updated the description of the item 'Treasure Map' [/list] [u][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]The items 'Fire Essence', 'Water Essence', and 'Wind Essence' are now properly removed from your inventory when [spoiler]presented at the Lost Shrine[/spoiler]. For old save files, these items will be removed when interacting with the Save Crystal in Dark Castle. [*]Morgan now learns the attack command [spoiler]'Change Weapon' upon acquiring the item 'Adventurer's Whip'[/spoiler]. For old save files, this attack command will be learned when interacting with the Save Crystal in Dark Castle. [/list]