Update Notes for Feb 10th


STAR SHREDDERS is a prologue to an extensive, story-rich SHMUP with strategic elements. Play as Clash, leading the Valkyrie force in the onset of an epic interstellar war. This teaser sets the stage for a larger adventure.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/764090/header.jpg?t=1607542432[/img] Firstly, thank you to all for playing STAR SHREDDERS and leaving your priceless feedback, we really appreciate the support! We've made some small updates to help balance the experience for players, please find the list below. Updates: [list] [*] Decreased the hitbox of the player, to allow for easier movement. [*] Balanced the mine placement, some sections were very difficult to get past. [*] Increased the amount of drones per section for more of a challenge and to have less empty space. [/list] Thank you for all the continued plays, It's always a pleasure seeing new entries on the leaderboard! 🤩