Star Shredders Remastered


STAR SHREDDERS is a prologue to an extensive, story-rich SHMUP with strategic elements. Play as Clash, leading the Valkyrie force in the onset of an epic interstellar war. This teaser sets the stage for a larger adventure.

Firstly, thanks to everyone supporting Star Shredders! It has been amazing to have players from around the world preview our Early Access build, providing insights on how to improve Star Shredders. We have been actively updating the game to a point in which we completely scrapped the original engine and restarted from scratch! Every aspect of the game and the quality has risen to give players a greater experience. It has been a challenge but we are getting closer to our initial vision of the game and how we showcase a compelling story matched with action packed gameplay! [previewyoutube=NZRB402CYaI;full][/previewyoutube] Coming 2020....