Update Notes 29 May 2023

Pro Wrestling Sim

Pro Wrestling Sim is a text-based pro-wrestling booking simulator. Control a wrestling promotion, decide your roster, and create storylines, feuds and matches where the winners and losers are in your hands.

[list] [*] Added ability to select specific date(s) for an event [list] [*] This will allow you to run one-off events, or a tour of a set length [*] When an event has had its last date, it will automatically become inactive [/list] [*]Workers page now shows all good/bad chemistry a worker has with others [*] Minor UI Changes on workers page, events page, All Promotions page [*] Fixed bug where monthly wages could be 0 [*] Added Steam UI Overlay [*] Added "Is Shortlisted" filter to filters list [*] More adjustments to attendance [*] If a Game World image folder contains "imageBackground.jpg", that will become the image background in any save that uses that image folder [*] Added Subject to Interview beats [*] Changed default angle to Promo rather than Brawl [*] Tweaked attendance logic [*] Fixed converter bug [*] Fixed bug where owner would get assigned over and over [*] Fixed bug when network had no availability [*] Fixed bug where angle and match colours disappeared [/list]