Update March 19th

Eternal Hope

Eternal Hope is a puzzle platformer game that follows the story of Ti’bi – a boy who must embark on a journey of love and hope to find his beloved’s soul.

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well! We added a lot of things in this new update. Here is the list: [olist] [*] Added mouse support on menus [*] Default controls changed to WASD (you can still customize them as you wish) [*] Custom keys [*] Full controller support [*] Optimized music and sound effects (Meaning: Higher fps) [*] Faster loading times [*] Added the option to go to previous checkpoints (Great to find missed souls) [*] 6 New languages (Italian, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Tradicional Chinese) [*] You can now skip cutscenes [/olist] Thank you all and have a great weekend! Follow us on social media! Discord: http://discord.gg/uSTkerV Twitter: @DoublehitGames, @kwalee