Eternal Hope is a puzzle platformer game that follows the story of Ti’bi – a boy who must embark on a journey of love and hope to find his beloved’s soul.
Hey guys, hope you're having a great day!
I come bearing news... Great news :)
Today we released the first act of Eternal Hope for free. It has its own page on Steam and it's called [b]Eternal Hope: Prologue[/b]! Hopefully it will help us spread the word and also give you a taste of what's to come!
We've been working very hard on this project for the past 3 years and we are very proud of what we managed to create with such a small team (4 people working full-time and 2 composers creating our music).
I hope you have a great experience and get immersed in the story. You will see this fantasy world we created through Ti'bi's eyes. It will be a journey full of ups and downs but in the end it will all be worth it!
Thank you again and have fun!
- Angelo