Update for Kreedz Climbing released

Kreedz Climbing

Kreedz Climbing is the ultimate non-violent 3D platformer. Race against time and other players...or not and just relax on a server and watch others as they compete with the best to become a legend on the scene!

An update for Kreedz Climbing has been released. This patch will be automatically applied by Steam within 15 minutes. You may have to restart Steam for the update to immediately begin downloading. [i]Please note that when a patch is released, the currently running servers will be out of date and won't show up on your server browser anymore. Once they update they will appear again![/i] Bug fixes:[list] [*] Fixed demos that were recorded on a workshop map being unplayable. Note you need to be subscribed to the workshop map to be able to watch the demo! [*] Fixed an issue where .ugc can appear in workshop map names in the server info window. [*] Fixed info_player_start having fancy inputs, but lacking the ability to have a name meaning the inputs couldn't be used (whoops). [/list] Changes:[list] [*] info_player_start recently recieved the ability to be enabled/disabled for players, however in Hammer the addition of the new default-enabled flag wasn't applied to already existing playerstarts in map vmfs. This means that spawning in some maps after that update results in an incorrect "no spawnpoints available" message. Rather than force mappers to recompile the map, the game now detects if every spawnpoint in the map is disabled and enables them to avoid the problem. [*] Added a Console menu option to the Mod Demo Viewer for those unable to use the normal console key. [/list]