Update for 1.0.3


CozyTyper is a relaxing game where you can enjoy a cozy atmosphere while you spend your time improving your typing accuracy and speed, without the pressure of a ticking clock. Take your touch typing to the next level with calm practice and muscle memory training! Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

[h1]New Features[/h1] [h3]Ambiences[/h3] [list] [*] Hillside - the classic background. [*] Night - for the night owls. [/list] [i]More Ambiences are already being worked on, but we wanted to push the first two out so you can try them without having to wait for the entire set to be complete![/i] [h3]Error Data[/h3] [list] [*] Your keystroke error data is now saved and displayed in a new stats tab. [*] The tab will include your most common errors in a summary, as well as a complete list of all errors. [*] The error tab will not contain any errors made before the patch. [/list] [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*] Added tooltip to radio speaker which displays the currently playing song. [/list] [h1]Bugfixes[/h1] [list] [*] End of Week Screen now scrolls up automatically on load. [*] Stat summary no longer shows NaN without data. [*] Fixed mouse cursor highlighting on email and endscreens. [*] Fixed radio volume knob not adjusting on load. [*] Inbox will hide on starting either typing mode. [*] Inbox will now properly show prev / next when applicable. [/list]