[/b]; "OS X Paradise" & "Initializing...". You can find the artist's website [url=http://bodyendtag.com/][b]here[/b][/url]. [h3]Ambiences[/h3] There are now a total of seven ambiences: [list] [*] Hills Day [*] Hills Night [*] Hills Rain [*] City Night [*] City Rain [*] Space Station [*] Beach [/list] [h3]Word deletion[/h3] Ctrl+Backspace will now take you to the beginning of the word, allowing for faster error fixing in correction mode. (this also works with command + delete for you mac users!) [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*] Several menu elements have had tooltips added. [*] The in game monitor now has a brightness adjustment. [*] Sound in background can be toggled on/off in sound menu. [/list] [h1]Bugfixes[/h1] [list] [*] Several quote typos/errors fixed. [*] Accuracy graph will now display properly if all attempts are 100%. [*] Fixed a bug which would not properly remove previous story mode attempts upon resetting progress, preventing you from getting the hard mode / perfection achievements. [/list] [b][u]Big thank you to our patrons & community members who have brought these bugs to our attention! ♥[/u][/b]