Update Aug.04.2024: Metal Reunion!

Street Legal 1: REVision

Take the STREET ACTION to the next level, in this loving re-release of the 2002 bargain-bin classic! Featuring over 1000 unique swappable parts, 16 detailed vehicles to tune, race, destroy and maintain, and much more, now with new gameplay modes, and plenty of fixes & improvements!

[h2]No car left behind![/h2] Street Legal is balanced around the idea of selling your car and building a new one for each club; This makes for nice variety, but though time travel (loading an older save slot) is always an option, it still hurts to let go of something you've put so much work into building & maintaining. We've come up with a solution that doesn't involve screwing with SL1's career balance: Where do the cars go after they've been sold? Well, wherever they went, we never saw them again, but now someone local buys and fixes 'em up! After you've completed Classic Career, you can venture back to previous districts, and find a racer cruising around with your old ride! Challenge him and win it back! Wind down after all the intense racing with a relaxed recap of the roads you drove, and the cars you drove them with! See just how much performance you've gained! [b]In more detail:[/b] [list] [*]Category 1 cars will be found in the Southern District, Cat.3 cars in North End, etc... It doesn't matter which club you were in when you sold them. [*]One car per category can be saved for winning back. The Sell Car confirmation dialog will let you know if a slot is available. [*]Cars sold during endgame do not count. [*]Racers who buy your cars will do basic repairs, to make them driveable - critical components will be fixed/replaced, but chassis & bodywork deformation will remain. [*]Your old car will take reduced damage while driven by the opponent during the race. [*]Win back 3 cars to earn a Steam Achievement! [/list] [b]Colors[/b] [list] [*]The last 15 colors offered by the Painter have been properly matched to their respective car factory colors. [*]8 new car factory colors have been added: Maroon, Gunmetal, Teal, Midnight, Emerald, Copper, Tan, and Charcoal. First 3 were already offered by Painter, but were unused, the others were mainly added with the goal of filling the last page of paintcans :D [*]You'll see the new colors in use by opponents if you select the RANDOPP career mutator. Original SL1 colors remain otherwise. The new colors will always be available at the dealer. [/list] [b]Career saves[/b] [list] [*]Career save slots will be auto-named if the field is left blank. Generated name will include current rank (80-1), amount of races participated, and name (+any nickname) of current car. Note: Race participation statistics were tracked before this update, but there were bugs (which have now been fixed) - the number shown may not be accurate for existing careers! Generated names will be auto-updated upon Quicksave. [*]Career save slot names are no longer part of save directories, so special characters can now be used for them. [*]The 'address bar' at the top of main menu will now explicitly spell out "SAVED" after saving a career, or if saving is not necessary. This was previously simply color-coded, making the little feature too easy to miss. [*]Redundantly clicking Quicksave will now update the 'address bar' with "ALREADY SAVED", to make it clear why Quicksave isn't doing anything. [*]Various file management fixes & improvements. [/list] [b]OSD[/b] [list] [*]Junkman Career welcome dialog now gives a basic description of the unique career mechanics. [*]In Junkman mode, pink chance is now displayed in the Garage, in the same spot where cash would normally be shown. [*]The "Thanks. Also..." pedestrian conversation option is now hidden if redundant. [*]Fixed M2 part interaction prompts showing up for some parts at shops. [*]Added a 'You can't drive this car because X' message for missing oil pan. [*]Non-functional engine due to missing oil pan is now properly represented in CarInfo. [*]Removed a misplaced quotation mark in the racer talk dialog. [*]Better alignment and consistency with other sections for Garage cash display. [/list] [b]Night[/b] [list] [*]Racing at night now works the same as at day - no more "JUST FOR FUN" races! [*]Opponent spawns are biased towards higher ranks (same spawns are also possible during the day, but RNG makes it less likely). This means progression will be faster if you race at night, but as you'll be doing fewer races, you'll arrive at the next club with less cash! [*]Pedestrian density increased from 10% of normal to 40% of normal. [*]Dimmer Navigator / Race Setup. [*]More stable street lighting. [*]Added light flares for all traffic cars. [*]Taillight flares for all cars. [*]Night mode can now be entered by pressing F10 (Shift + click/F2 still works). [/list] [b]Valo City[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the car briefly flickering in a few spots. [*]Uncovered the hidden police station of North End - still on the unfinished side, but now with some touch-ups! [*]Cleaned up tree grids from the cemetery. [*]Gravestones now have physics. [/list] [b]Misc[/b] [list] [*]Realistic aero drag is no longer exclusive to Junkman career - top speed of stripped-down cars is seriously hurt! [*]Simplified tow / loss / caught damage penalty applied by Junkman career; Now purely affects wear, not random amount of both wear and tear. This will make it quicker to select best-condition parts in the garage, as tear (which usually doesn't affect performance anyway) won't be pulling down the condition percentage as much. [*]Racers may now install dark taillights. [*]"BANDAID" cheat now straightens the yaw of bent wheels. [*]Fixed the >12K RPM achievement being awarded for engines with missing heads. [*]Reduced shimmering of Badge taillights. [*]Fixed a possible game crash for imported SLRR cars with only tiny wheel compatibility. [*]Disabled reverse light flares for imported SLRR cars (style consistency). [/list] More to come! Stay tuned! :)