Update 68.2 Release Notes

Dungeons & Dragons Online®

Enter a world of danger and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons Online® based on the beloved RPG that started it all.

[h1]Update 68.2 Release Notes[/h1] Here are the Release Notes for Update 68.2, released on Wednesday, July 31st, 2024. [h2]Of Special Note:[/h2] [h3]The Year of the Dragon - July gift has arrived![/h3] The Year of the Dragon celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons with free gifts every month! [url=https://www.ddo.com/year-of-the-dragon]Read more about the Year of the Dragon on DDO.com[/url]. Starting on Wednesday, July 31st through August 27th, 2024, all players can speak to Xatheral in the Eberron Hall of Heroes to acquire Blue Draconic Wings for their characters! After speaking to Xatheral, any of your characters may speak with Xatheral's assistant, the Dragonborn named Estraz who is standing near Xatheral, to receive the wings on their character. After speaking with Estraz and selecting the Blue Draconic Wings, a new feat will appear on your character sheet under the Feats list that will allow you to display (or hide) your wings as much as you like. [url=https://www.ddo.com/news/ddo-year-of-the-dragon-july]See more about the Blue Draconic Wings on DDO.com[/url]. [h2]News and Notes: [/h2] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a typo in Estraz's dialog. [*] Fixed a typo in the VIP Assistant's dialog. His correct name is Rietz. [/list]