UPDATE #6 & 70% OFF

Visceral Cubes

After losing contact with a space station on mars, you are sent to retrieve a high value item for the company. It didn’t take very long for our protagonist to find out that something went very very wrong in this place. Use stealth to get past your enemies or run for your life hoping that they don't catch up and explode in your face.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32583491/f804027cd8e2b4f9de580356febabefcd9f13cc6.gif[/img] [h1]Visceral Cubes 1.2.0 is now online.[/h1] Hello. Here we bring you an update on which we fix a couple small bugs and make some preparations for the next dlc (which is free). In "EXTRACTION" we'll play as a soldier that, along his team, arrives at the facility to secure the Vial and burn the place to the ground. Armed with proper weapons, our new protagonist will face evolved visceral guys with ranged attacks. We hope you enjoy this action oriented campaign. Now, into the content of this update. [h1]Fixes and Tweaks[/h1] [list] [*][b]Invert Y Axis.[/b] The mouse Y axis can now be inverted at the options menu. [*][b]Collision Fixes.[/b] Fixed a couple areas in the map where collision was glitchy. [*][b]DLC Menu Tweaks.[/b] Added coming soon buttons for the upcoming DLC. [*][b]FullScreen Fix.[/b] Fixed a bug where the fullscreen setting was not being saved. [*][b]Performance Improvements.[/b] A few areas will have improved framerate. [*][b]Rear Cam.[/b] The rear cam was disabled on the last dlc. [*][b]Skins Fix.[/b] Fixed a bug where the enemy skins were not being randomized on the dlc. [*][b]Chase Music Fix.[/b] Fixed a bug where the chase music kept playing after all enemies died. [*][b]Enemy Detection.[/b] The enemy "senses" have been slightly re-adjusted. [*][b]Distorted SFX fix.[/b] Fixed a random bug where the splatter sound was being distorted. [*][b]DLC Preparations.[/b] Small adjustments on the game code in preparation for the next two dlc. As always thanks for playing, Look forward to the next dlc :)