UPDATE #2 - Hard Difficulty Now Available!

Visceral Cubes

After losing contact with a space station on mars, you are sent to retrieve a high value item for the company. It didn’t take very long for our protagonist to find out that something went very very wrong in this place. Use stealth to get past your enemies or run for your life hoping that they don't catch up and explode in your face.

[h1]Visceral Cubes 1.1.10 is now online! [/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32583491/9742a63d1fb52a7d37df14d8d37c98299b777dd0.gif[/img] [h1]Hard difficulty now available![/h1] You can now play the game on hard difficulty, which will increase the number of enemies, speed and area of detection. We encourage you to use stealth by moving while crouching and [b]look for the new medkit pickups so you can take more explosions[/b]. In this mode, a new section of the station is also available. [h1]Other fixes and new Stuff[/h1] [list] [*][b]Rear Cam.[/b] When the player is being chased, a rear cam will now be activated to help the player keep better track of the enemies. The rear cam can be deactivated via the pause menu. [*][b] Medkit Pickup.[/b] A new pickup is now scattered on the station, it will raise your health up to 300 HP. This will enable you to survive one direct explosion for 150 DMG. But you won't survive another one. [*][b] More Documents.[/b] New leftover docs will give a bit more context to the game world a well as well as serve as hints for the "tasks" in the new section of the station. [*][b] Performance Improvements.[/b] The frame rate should be higher at certain areas, specially at the lab. [*][b] Difficulty Balancing.[/b] Depending on which difficulty you choose to play on, the enemies will be faster and their detection ratio larger. [*][b] Crouching Improvements.[/b] Moving while crouching will now reduce the chances of being detected. If you plan to get near an enemy, crouch... careful, if you are close enough, you'll get detected as soon as you stand up. [*][b] Pickup sounds.[/b] Wherever you pick a medkit, key or toy, you will now hear a sound. [*][b] Timescale Bug Fix.[/b] A rare bug where the game froze after reloading the scene was fixed. [*][b] AI Path-finding refinements.[/b] The AI is now more accurate at the time of chasing the player. The enemies are harder to shake off. [*][b] New Doc Container.[/b] A new blue container has been implemented, the old black one didn't look well in certain dark areas. [/list] [h1]Incoming New stuff and fixes[/h1] [list] [*] First DLC [*] Speed Run Mode [*] More bug fixes [/list] [h1]Word from the devs[/h1] We are looking for ways to show the detection ratio of the enemies to further improve the gameplay. Also, we want to apologize for the long time it took us to update the game with this new content, from time to time we get a streak of bad luck, in this case it was in the form of some power outages that damaged some of the equipment used to develop/test our games. We will be running a giveaway soon as compensation. Join [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ominousgaminggroup] our group [/url] so you don't miss it! Don't forget to drop us a review to help the new content going. As always thank you for your support! Thanks!