Update 5.03

Tales of the Neon Sea

Welcome to a world of intrigue and suspicion. Where humans and robots contend with escalating tensions and mutual distrust. And where gangster felines scheme their way to the top of the food chain. Welcome to the Tales of the Neon Sea!

1. Updated and optimised the gameplay of Chapter 2, removing some redundant elements. This update may cause data errors for players who were stuck on sections that have now been changed or removed. If you are currently on Miracle Street, it is recommended to restart from “Brank! The Missing Person" using the "Chapter Selection” screen on the main menu. If you are at the old Hydroelectric Plant area, it is recommended to restart from “Mistake or Trap? Uncovered Tracks". 2. Updated Combination Benches to let players know which components can be combined to form new items. 3. Optimized the gear system to make it clearer which items can be collected; 4. Optimized several puzzles and removed some repetitive puzzles. 5. Unlocking puzzles have been streamlined. 6. The playing cards in the wine cellar have been replaced. 7. Fixed a number of bugs. 8. Removed German and Spanish from the store page. If you are playing with either of these two languages, please do not change language in the game as this will remove them. Feedback has confirmed that these two language packs are not in a good state. We will review these and update at a later point.