Defeat evil forces together with those cute anime girls! This fast-paced anime shooter thrusts you into a vibrant world under siege by malevolent forces, and only a squad of adorable yet formidable anime girls can save the day.
I just uploaded the update with the following fixes:
[*]Fixed sniper zoom when switching weapons/triggering an action window
[*]Improved zombies AI
[*]Improved dragon bosses AI
[*]Now you can start shooting/attack right from the sprint (this is mostly helping with the melee weapons)
[*]Level task highlight color is matching the minimap icon color
[*]Bonus spawn chance increased to 60%
[*]Fixed fire mage hit detection
[*]Fixed playback of zombie sounds
[*]Fixed reaper speed in easy mode
[*]The duration of the explosive ammo bonus has been increased