Update #3

Cats Hidden in Paris

Find 100 cats hiding in Paris, France in this cute hand-drawn hidden object game

Hello everyone! The following changes are now live: [list] [*]Valve has reviewed the game and it is now Steam Deck verified! [*]New icon for the cat meow volume setting since the old one was not clear enough [*]Fixed a bug where seagulls would only make a sound when the timer mode is deactivated [*]Fixed a bug where the cursor would change to the hand when over the position of the zoom icon while in-game[/list] Regarding the Steam Deck support, which also includes gamepads in general, there is currently a slight issue with the panning that sometimes requires zooming in and out to explore the whole image. It's nothing game-breaking but fixing it is rather time-intensive and with everything else happening, I have not gotten to this yet. But I will in August for sure. :) Speaking of all that is happening, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2313240/Cats_Hidden_in_Italy/]Cats Hidden in Italy[/url] comes out in less than two days! And I just published the store page for Cats Hidden in Georgia, which seriously blew me away when I first saw it! I can't wait to share that with you later this year. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2485180/Cats_Hidden_in_Georgia/ Peace & Love Patrick