"Cats Hidden in Italy" is Now Available!

Cats Hidden in Paris

Find 100 cats hiding in Paris, France in this cute hand-drawn hidden object game

[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/43624937/0f3680d1f0498745d7192b54780b59a679b814f0.png[/img] It's here! 🎉 Enjoy finding all the cats and the countless easter eggs I've hidden throughout the game. Because of Steam's limitation to 100 achievements per game, two cats are missing a name. But fear not, I went ahead and hid the names inside the game! The first one who can tell me both names in [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2313240/discussions/0/3801652295719207337/]this thread[/url] will [b]win 5 Steam keys[/b] to give away to their friends! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2313240/Cats_Hidden_in_Italy/ Peace & Love Patrick