Update 3.10.0


Join THE FINALS, the world-famous, free-to-play, combat-centered game show! Fight alongside your teammates in virtual arenas that you can alter, exploit, and even destroy. Build your own playstyle in this first-person shooter to win escalating tournaments and lasting fame.

[h3]Update 3.10[/h3] The next update for THE FINALS is here and with it we’re saying farewell to the DISSUN Challenge as we enter the next stop on the World Tour - the VAIIYA International! Before diving into the rest of today’s changes, we need to take a moment to celebrate that you all completed the Community Event! You made it juuuuuuuust in time, but $100 BILLION was cashed out in World Tour in just a week, and as a result you can all expect the DISSUN racing helmet to appear in your inventories later this week. We are excited to introduce more options to our crosshair customization feature, a much-requested QOL feature! You’ll be able to edit both the static and dispersive crosshair parts independently of each other and we’ve added further crosshair reticles for you to choose from. Let us know what you think! For Cashout, we’re experimenting with the “Defender bonus,” which will help teams currently defending the cashout get back in the action faster! We’re also adding some balance changes to the mix! For those of you on that World Tour grind, we’re lowering the number of wins needed to progress through Emerald. Emerald 4 will now need 3 wins rather than 10, and making it all the way to Emerald 1 will now take 63 wins, down from the previous 75. We also have a fully stocked store for you to check out, both in-game and in the video below, as well as other bug fixes! [previewyoutube=B6qL5KTLbQA;full][/previewyoutube] Let’s dive into the details: [h3][b]Balance Changes[/b][/h3] [b]Gadgets [/b] Dome Shield [list] [*]Decreased duration from 12s to 5.5s[/*][/list] [i]Dev Note: The Dome Shield was always intended as temporary protection that would synergize well with supportive actions. Over time, its main use case has been as a ‘mobile fortress’ used to steal objectives. We want teams to have to secure the area first in order to steal an objective. To encourage this intended design, we’ve adjusted the Dome Shield’s duration. [/i] Goo Grenade [list] [*]Decreased the time it takes for fire to destroy goo from 12s to 9s[/*][/list] [i]Dev Note: We feel our previous buff to the goo, which was intended to aid defensive play, was a little too heavy-handed and removed fire’s role as a hard-counter to goo. [/i] [b]Game Modes[/b] Cashout [list] [*]Introduced a defender bonus for teams that currently hold a Cashout Station. While they hold the objective, the dead players on the defending team will be able to spend any respawn coins they have after 15 seconds, rather than 30 seconds[/*][/list] [i]Dev Note: We see cashouts getting stolen at higher rates than expected. This change encourages teams to start and defend cashouts rather than swooping in late. This is part of a series of changes we’re making to incentivize acting first when it comes to objectives rather than later and an ongoing part of our Cashout experimentation. [/i] World Tour [list] [*]We’ve reduced the number of Cashout Tournament wins needed to reach each level of Emerald, for example, Emerald 4 will require 3 wins instead of 10 and the total wins needed for Emerald 1 is now 63 instead of 75. [/*][/list] [b]Specializations[/b] Goo Gun [list] [*]Decreased the time it takes for fire to destroy goo from 12s to 9s[/*][/list] Winch Claw [list] [*]Decreased the max range from the Winch Claw from 17m to 12m[/*][/list] [i]Dev Note: The Winch Claw is meant to enable combat in short-range fights. We feel this new range better reflects this intent. [/i] [b]Weapons [/b] Throwing Knives [list] [*]Decreased the fire rate of the primary fire from 125rpm to 107rpm[/*][/list] [i]Dev Note: Throwing Knives have become quite an oppressive weapon! We’ll monitor this change closely and likely make more involved changes if this adjustment doesn’t do enough to address that feeling. [/i] [h3][b]Content and Bug Fixes [/b][/h3] [b]Animation [/b] [list] [*]Fixed the zipline attach animation not playing under certain conditions[/*] [*]Fixed the riot shield not hiding properly when vaulting[/*] [*]Updated animation for the Flamethrower’s Soak ‘n’ Scorch skin so it will always play the full animation[/*] [*]Fixed aim down sights so it is properly portrayed in spectator view[/*] [*]Updated the Mini Roulette skin for the Lewis Gun to make it compatible with animation customizations [/*][/list] [b]Contracts[/b] [list] [*]Fix for the Quick Melee contract so it only registers quick melee attacks, not melee attacks with weapons[/*] [*]Fixed so that the “Stop opponents from stealing your cashout or decrypting a terminal 5 times” now also counts eliminations by attackers on defenders trying to stop the decryption in Terminal Attack[/*] [*]Fixed so that winch claw properly counts towards the interrupt contract[/*] [*]Fixed for the contract “Get 15 eliminations or assists with Launchers or Shotguns”, it now correctly rewards assists [/*][/list] [b]Game Modes [/b] [list] [*]Mines and charges will now stick to the vault’s surface correctly [/*] [*]Fixed the bug that sometimes caused the connect/leave button to be present after finishing a World Tour session [/*] [*]Fixed an issue in Ranked Terminal Attack that caused the teams to play different objective configurations (i.e. the locations of spawn points and terminals) when Attacking or Defending. Both teams now play the same sequence of objective configurations[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where Ziplines would not properly reset after midgame in Ranked Terminal Attack[/*] [*]Changed so the in-game Cashout text will display in the corresponding team’s color[/*] [*]When reconnecting into World Tour in a late round, loadout choices should now be correct[/*][/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where players were unable to use items from the start of the round and throughout the match, such as the Healing Beam[/*] [*]When backfilling into a match, respawn statues will now display the correct team colors instead of being white[/*][/list] [b]Maps[/b] [list] [*]Debris in Skyway Stadium now properly resets after midgame in Ranked Terminal Attack [/*][/list] [b]Specializations[/b] Winch Claw [list] [*]Fixed an issue where the action could get canceled if the targeted player jumped right when getting hit[/*] [*]Fixes issue where the wrong target could get pulled if it was close to the intended target[/*][/list] Turret [list] [*]Fixed recovery text being wrongly displayed[/*][/list] Grapple Hook [list] [*]Can once again attach to walls that are out of bounds[/*][/list] [b]Security and anti-cheat[/b] [list] [*]Improved existing detection rules[/*][/list] [b]Stability & Performance[/b] [list] [*]Fixes for some of our most common crashes[/*] [*]Performance optimizations for all platforms[/*] [*]Additional fix for a rare case of the infinite loading screen[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where players failed to join matches resulting in uneven teams for modes with no backfills[/*][/list] [b]UI [/b] [list] [*]Leaving a private match now shows the correct dialog[/*] [*]Fixed a navigation issue in the settings menu for controller[/*] [*]Added more crosshair customization options[/*][/list]