Update 2 is ready

Military Operations: Benchmark

"Military Operations: Benchmark", is a performance and stability Benchmark utility that can be used to specifically test your gaming system for compatibility with the upcoming "Military Operations" (MilOps) Realtime Operational Wargame and the "Metis Simulation Technology" it is developed with.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32291147/079063db0ad16950f1fd77b36a3a37579d910f6e.jpg[/img] [h1]MilOps: Benchmark version 20.3.2 is now available on the Beta branch[/h1] The start-up sequence now performs extensive checks to select the best OpenCL device, if possible. If things work fine for you now and you're still on the Beta-branch, please switch back to the Standard-branch. [h1]Addressed issues:[/h1] [list] [*]Systems with slower hard-disks are no longer wrongly [url=https://trello.com/c/THNopOhz]suspected of hanging[/url] [*]Some [url=https://trello.com/c/THNopOhz]systems with multiple OpenCL devices[/url] and problems selecting the right one, wil now be able to run MilOps [*]Systems with Intel graphics active, are now detected [*]A minimal driver version is now required for running MilOps [*]The drum cadence during benchmarking is now stopped when interrupting the run. [*]In general, more information is provided when a launch fails [/list] [h1]To enable the fix, make sure to activate the "Beta update branch":[/h1] [olist] [*]In your Steam-client, right-click on "Military Operations: Benchmark" in your library [*]Select "properties" at the bottom of the popup menu [*]Select the "BETAS" tab in the dialog that opens [*]Select "beta - Beta" from the list-box [*]Force an update by exiting the client and restarting it. In the MilOps "Credits" on the main menu screen, the version should now say: 20.3.2 [/olist] [h1]Also:[/h1] One situation that we can not resolve is caused by Windows 10 not installing OpenCL drivers when updating. It requires the user to manually install a driver downloaded from the NVidia or AMD website depending on your graphics card. If your system only contains Intel Graphics hardware, it wil not be able to run MilOps regardless of the driver version. As always, for more info visit our [url=http://militaryoperationshq.com/support/] support page[/url].