"Military Operations: Benchmark", is a performance and stability Benchmark utility that can be used to specifically test your gaming system for compatibility with the upcoming "Military Operations" (MilOps) Realtime Operational Wargame and the "Metis Simulation Technology" it is developed with.
J.C. from [url=http://kriegsimulation.blogspot.com/2018/07/military-operations-benchmark-have-you.html]Kriegsimulation[/url] put up a new look at MilOps: Benchmark on his BLOG.
He featured us earlier with a [url=http://kriegsimulation.blogspot.com/2018/05/military-operations-early-peek-at.html]preview of MilOps: Benchmark[/url] ahead of its release.
Our friends at [url=http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php/topic,5938.30.html]DogsOfWar[/url] always keep a close eye on our development. If you enjoy discussing serious military simulation gaming, you’re sure to find a few interesting topics [url=http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php?action=forum]there[/url].
This has always been a favourite spot for the hardcore wargamer. Never shy to ask the difficult questions. Good to see [url=http://grogheads.com/forums/index.php?topic=22541.30] MilOps [/url] got their attention.
[h1]Keeping an eye on it[/h1]
We read all of these and participate in discussions.
Some interesting points are being made so head over if you are curious to see what's being discussed.