"Quantum Derelict" is a rogue-lite survival horror game set in a chilling Lovecraftian inspired narrative. In the uncharted vastness of space, outwit the sinister cult of VUGSHERYOG and the lurking horrors as you strive to retain your sanity, find rescue, and survive against all odds.
Happy New Year!
We are fixing some final issues and doing testing on the new features and will release the update soon. I am posting today to give you a sneak peak at the update in case anyone wants to purchase the game on the steam event sale that ends soon and this helps them decide.
As requested by players we have implemented a way to do some automation when it comes to drones but also some new upgrades that can be made. Advanced Mining will now keep going from debris to debris mining for the resource without your interaction until it runs out of power, storage, or resource to mine. Advanced Salvage is also a new task added that will upgrade Advanced Mining to also search derelict ships and containers to salvage any resources there as well. We have also added automation options for all of the normal stats upgrades to the ship like preparing food, generating water, repairing weapons, etc.
Upgrades added to the game include upgrading power, storage, and movement speed of drones via Drone Crafting tab and we have our first ever Ship Upgrade coding task that lets you use Quan 1054 to boost the damage of the turrets on the ship.
Here are some screenshot teasers of the new features in the UI.