"Quantum Derelict" is a rogue-lite survival horror game set in a chilling Lovecraftian inspired narrative. In the uncharted vastness of space, outwit the sinister cult of VUGSHERYOG and the lurking horrors as you strive to retain your sanity, find rescue, and survive against all odds.
Update 2 for Quantum Derelict has been released which adds drone automation and upgrades!
List of new features:
[*]Advanced Mining now will continue mining til one of three things occurs, the drone runs out of power, the drone runs out of storage, or there are no more resources of the type selected to mine.
[*]Advanced Salvage is now available that will allow Advanced Mining to search scanned derelicts and containers as well.
[*]New Automation Tasks that will perform the task until the drone runs out of power, resources, or the task is completed fully.
[*] Prepare Food Automation
[*] Dispose Dead Automation
[*] Generate Water Automation
[*] Repair Life Support Automation
[*] Repair Weapon Systems Automation
[*] Repair Communications Automation
[*] Repair Scanners Automation
[*] Restore Power Systems Automation
[*] Repair Quantum Drive Automation
[*]A new Ship Upgrade Task that allows you to spend mined resources and computing resources to upgrade the ships turrets damage using Quan1054. There are 5 levels of upgrades.
[*]Drone crafting has been upgraded to allow for upgrades to existing drones in addition to building new drones. You can upgrade the power, storage, and movement speed of the drones.
[*]Resources wheel now shows all resources with unobtainable ones greyed out to match the other two radial menus and fix an issue on controller.
[*]Additional bug fixes