Update 2.3 - Memories of Speed

The Light Brigade

An award-winning roguelike VR shooter with realistic gunplay & immersive light magic. Ascend the ranks of The Light Brigade to unlock new weapons, upgrades, classes, and abilities as you fight to restore light to the darkness.

Hello Soldiers, today we are rolling some improvements and optimizations across from recent changes on the Quest branch of the game. This will help low quality settings in particular, but minor improvements to all quality levels. There are also some bug fixes for common recent issues to round it all out. Full change notes below! Please Note: the LOD (Level of Detail) distance setting is now separate in the Video Settings menu. Please adjust it for your hardware as needed. We are working on new content separately so expect to see more of that as we near the next content patch. o7 [b]Change Notes[/b] [list] [*] added pure-random loot settings [*] added seperate lod video settings [*] fixed bomber enemy not counting for enemy limits [*] fixed lod inconsistency between platforms [*] fixed loot pots grab position [*] fixed many double-rendering objects [*] fixed many misconfigured lods [*] fixed praying at own corpse for souls [*] fixed scout wrong spell name on class table [*] fixed temple occlusion culling being disabled [*] fixed trap triggered count issues [*] fixed wand tier textures [*] fixed wishing pool sell price being too high [*] improved animation hit response by body part [*] improved animation hit response for shadows [*] improved wolf headshot hitbox [*] optimized chapel entry meshes [*] optimized forest entry areas [*] optimized many rock mesh objects [*] optimized mountain entry areas [*] optimized portal door particles for low quality [/list]