Update 2.3.207

eSail Sailing Simulator

eSail Sailing Simulator is an authentic yacht sailing experience with numerous tutorials, sailing, mooring and anchoring modes, charting, challenges, races, Live Sailing mode, 'Learn Yachting with eSail' and more.

This update has a number of small bug fixes and improvements. Thank you to users for reporting these and helping replicate these issues. [list] [*] Fixed bug where game boat's engines were not sounding [*] Fixed bug where anchoring was not working in Mooring Sandbox [*] Improved physics fighting between mooring lines with stern-to mooring [*] Anchoring - improved holding especially on sloping or slimy sea bed [*] Jib now should unfurl easier if on the leeward side. [*] Yaw now made to bring the stern quarter to the wind (blows the bow away from direction of wind) [*] Added Change Password text to button on Edit User Screen [*] Quick Start now says “(Advanced Users)” [*] Edit User screen now has shortcut to force Registration Completed. [*] Alert added when an Add-on is installed referring user to new tutorials. [*] Alert added when adding mooring lines before fenders. [*] Added a check to stop fenders being rigged after mooring lines. [*] Changed eSail Pro tutorial wording to refer to new Etincelle pump and tank being quarter full on new boat. [*] Added new Etincelle fuel pump. [*] New boats now get quarter tank of fuel. [*] Made all dashboard mode buttons pointer click (not pointer down). This might prevent bug where cannot change mode. [*] Bug fixes for setting sleeve colors and winches while doing central mooring [/list]