Best Screenshot - Winners Announced!

eSail Sailing Simulator

eSail Sailing Simulator is an authentic yacht sailing experience with numerous tutorials, sailing, mooring and anchoring modes, charting, challenges, races, Live Sailing mode, 'Learn Yachting with eSail' and more.

We had some great screenshots submitted for this competition! Here are the winners. 1) Atmosphere. The winner is T.One (France) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32207645/d3a3838a497fd89ad03993741cd0517fac3b364c.jpg[/img] This is also the overall winner. 2. Underwater. The winner is Fragger (USA) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32207645/e6e1c484b866f41e8c4dcc8cb27bb469093c642d.jpg[/img] 3. Multiplayer. The winner Ryanpessop (UK) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32207645/bad94070c745d4e59fa3645f8980dcfe9ca06779.jpg[/img] Thank you for everyone for your contributions. They were all excellent and very useful for spreading the word! And here is an honourable mention to [b]cosmiczorro[/b] for this Little Venice screenshot which was great but did not fit any category. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32207645/a14e4abfd5c746665ba13db8961d95c5082e8bbd.png[/img] Prizes will on their way very soon!