Update 2.2.364. Fixes and improvements

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36220547/a7af0059795d3f7f33e597d874a127c25eec90a2.png[/img] In this update, we've made several fixes and improvements. We've fixed the issue of mobs spawning in impassable areas on the new island, added the display of quality in recipes for the new jewelry bonus, and adjusted the repair cost of light shields. Additionally, giant crabs have been added to the naturalist's journal along with clarification for pets that cannot be tamed. Among other things, we've added the ability to interact with NPCs and buildings without dismounting. More details about all changes: #patch-notes Get Wild Terra 2 and rewards packs: https://wildterra2.com/#packs-63be750abd3b08727629d9c4 Thank you very much for your activity, feedback, and support. Thanks to you, the game gets better with every update! [h2]Update 2.2.364. Changelog[/h2] [h3]Changes and improvements:[/h3] - Fixed mob spawning in impassable areas on the new island. - Pages for the Giant crab and Black giant crab have been added to the naturalist's journal, providing information about loot and new unlockable bonuses. - The taming section of the journal will now display information if a pet cannot be tamed. - Fixed a bug in calculating Witchcraft experience when skinning the Black crab claw organ. - Fixed a bug with the bonus for increasing quality when crafting items on the new jewelry. - Fixed the display of quality range in recipes with an active quality increase bonus. - Removed duplicate items from NPC shops. Necessary quantities can be purchased via Ctrl + Click combination. - Balanced repair prices for light shields: Keeper's Shield, Shield-target, and Morbium light shield. - Fixed the display of long item names in the auction. - The display of the "Show recipe" button in the inventory has been fixed when recipes are absent. - Added the ability to use lanterns and collect resources for settlers with access to production buildings. - Added the ability to interact with NPCs and buildings without dismounting.