The old fisherman Elmar discovered a new island where a great battle occurred. With the arrival of obsessed cultists, the dead warriors awakened, and evil engulfed the island. The old man needs volunteers willing to do hard work and help complete his chronicle, the Battle Chronicles. Additionally, he plans to share information about the cultists' methods and the possibility of controlling the undead.
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Thank you very much for your activity, feedback, and support. Thanks to you, the game gets better with every update!
[h2]Update 2.2.362. Changelog[/h2]
[h3]What's new:[/h3]
- Added a new island - Abandoned battlefield, accessible by hiring a ship captain in the port or building your ship.
- Added 4 new pets. Now you can craft battle pets - Skeletons in a witch's cauldron from fragments of slain soldiers on the new island.
- Added new tiers for jewelry with additional special properties.
- Added a new exotic lightweight shield with a special effect, allowing guaranteed reflection of an attack, after which the passive ability cooldown time will activate.
- Added a new summonable boss in the tavern cellar.
- Added a new land crop - Corn.
- Added a new Fishing bait, two new types of fish, and a Black giant crab.
- Added new Cookery recipes.
- Added a new table upgrade - Battle Chronicles, with a bonus that increases the duration of books.
- Added new enhancement tiers for the Lucky fishing pole
- Added new enhancement tiers for the Anglerfish belt.
- Added a new exotic item an Enchanted butcher axe.
- Stableman Henry can now transport players to the port for a small fee.
- Added the ability to purchase a specified quantity of items from NPCs via Ctrl + click.
- Lawless zones added, where players do not receive criminal status.
- Added temporary prohibition on using guide services after death in lawless zones.
- Added recipes with a limited maximum chance of successful crafting.
- Revised herbs and vegetation on the grounds.
- Added the ability to disable grass in the game settings.
- Expanded the naturalist's journal.
- Revised the protection against gradual damage effects for monsters; skeletons can now be ignited, and golems can be cooled down; errors in damage effects on plague monsters have been fixed.
- Fixed projectile errors for the pet Dragonling.
- Added the ability to extract organs from your pets.
- Removed the save point in the basement of the plague city Basement survivors.
- Removed access to the southern exit from the plague city through the guide.
- Added the ability to return to the Doomed village through the guide in the basement of the survivors.
- Changed the base bonus of the tool for the Lucky fishing pole.
- Changed the location for NPC Jake in the port.
- The initial culinary recipes have been changed; now, mountain sage will be required instead of black pepper.
- The tooltip rounding error for displayed bonuses has been fixed.
- Corrected the description of bonuses for witchcraft organ harvesting and clarified the base chance.