Update 18.48

Tower 57

Tower 57 is a fast-paced neo-retro shooter where cooperation is as important as your ammo capacity. As a member of an extraordinary task force fight your way through a dieselpunk megatower and uncover its hidden secrets.

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26503066/4a6cced49beef10a116e348ae653adb6f689f3d7.gif[/img] Hey everyone, benitosub here. I just pushed our [b]latest update (18.48) live[/b]! This time around the change log is a bit shorter, but the issues are a bit more important. So without further ado, here's what we fixed/tweaked in 18.48: [h1][b]ONLINE MULTIPLAYER:[/b][/h1][list] [*]fixed matchmaking with stranger bug: play with random strangers should now always work (provided somebody else is online and looking to match of course!) [*]improved cached region selection [*] fixed "incompatible savegame" bug [*]for Chinese players, we're now routing through the Russia East region. Our Chinese partners have tested the patch and were able to play online, but since I can't test it myself, if you are in China and are still experiencing connection issues please don't hesitate to get in touch![/list] [h1][b]SOUND:[/b][/h1][list] [*]tweaked volume balance on some sounds (first pass) [*]added maggot death sound [*]added audio feedback when trying to hack something that cannot be hacked[/list] [h1][b]LEVELS:[/b][/h1][list] [*]new train station map [*]drafting table in train station is now destructible [*]boiler in train station is now destructible [*]train driver now leaves a corpse behind[/list] [h1][b]GAMEPLAY:[/b][/h1][list] [*]balanced tool ammo [*]left arm upgrades now increase tool ammo [*]nerfed self-healing torso's healing rate [*]nerfed rail-gun [*]reduced duration of hacking mini-game [*]reduced duration of Spy's special attack [*]made maggots less "bullet-spongy" [*]maggots now hurt you when you step on them[/list] [h1][b]GRAPHICS:[/b][/h1][list] [*]polished Supercrab's graphics [*]polished Pristine Pool "fire-waterfalls" graphics [*]reduced transparency on mini-map's guiding beam to improve its visibility[/list] We also posted an update on Kickstarter which outlines our plan for the coming weeks to improve the game's experience. It was originally mostly intended for our backers, but it's available for anyone to view so if you are interested in where the game is headed, please feel free to visit [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/514621648/tower-57/posts/2052722][b]it here[/b][/url]. And finally thank you to everyone who backed and/or purchased the game, and to everyone who left reviews, whether negative (your feedback is what helps us improve the game) or positive (your kind words are what keeps us pushing forward). We plan to release another update next week which will address some seemingly smaller but potentially annoying issues, as well as more balancing and slowly but surely more content, so keep an eye out for that. Cheers everyone!