Update 15 Released!

Future Perfect

Future Perfect breaks down the barrier between having an idea for a game, and playing it with friends. The Future Perfect interface allows you to create, play, and share multiplayer games quickly and easily.Games created with Future Perfect are published on Steam Workshop. You can browse, rate, and download games that interest you.

[img]http://unknownworlds.com/futureperfect/files/2015/03/sunsetsmall.jpg[/img] The weekly update for Future Perfect is now live on Steam! Here are some of the changes in this update. [h1]Improved Thumbnails[/h1] In the last update we added support the thumbnail images in the asset browser. This week we’ve improved them by adding images for collision, material, and particles assets. We also fixed a few issues with thumbnails; thumbnails will now always use high quality textures, emissive transparent parts are displayed properly, decals in blueprints will be rendered, and the skin selection is taken into account for models. [img]http://unknownworlds.com/futureperfect/files/2015/03/thumbnailsmall.jpg[/img] [h1]Player Movement[/h1] This update includes a few improvements related to player movement. First, we addressed some bugs in the Controller component that made it move erratically near small obstacles like rocks. This also fixed an issue where the Controller could fall through the ground on very steep slopes. Second, we updated our default movement script to have a better “feel”. We tweaked some values, improved slope jumping and added jump queuing. Let us know what you think! [img]http://unknownworlds.com/futureperfect/files/2015/03/movementsmall.jpg[/img] [h1]Entity Configuration[/h1] We’ve written about how Automators are used for procedural tasks in [url=http://unknownworlds.com/futureperfect/future-perfect-update-14/]previous updates,[/url] but they also have another important role in Future Perfect; Automators can be used to provide simplified interfaces for configuring entities. These simplified interfaces are useful for allowing new players to set the properties for entities without having to dig into the more advanced component view. With that in mind, we moved the interface for the Automators to be accessed by right clicking on the entity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elpE8FG5j_Y Most of our blueprints aren’t setup with a simplified Automator interface yet, but over the next few weeks we’re going to be focusing on adding this functionality to them. This is just a small taste of the changes in this week’s update. If you’re like to see the complete list, check out our [url=https://trello.com/b/IOspnbWW/future-perfect]Trello board[/url] and look for the “Update 15″ list. [img]http://unknownworlds.com/futureperfect/files/2015/03/TrelloSmall.jpg[/img] If you’d like to try out Future Perfect, you can purchase it from [url=http://futureperfectgame.com/]our website.[/url]