Welcome to Dev Update #8. In case you missed the last Dev Update #7, you can [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1293110/view/4715810192403415841]find it here[/url]. Today I will talk a bit about my GMTK Game Jam entry, the swamp area, and the Vegetation shader. [h3]GMTK Game Jam 2021[/h3] First I wanted to tell you, that I took part in this year's GMTK Game Jam with a small little game. You can play it [url=https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2021/rate/1082311]here for free[/url] if you are interested. The GMTK Game Jam is a 48-hour game jam with great little games and awesome ideas. I encourage you to [url=https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2021/entries]check out some of the games[/url], there are some really good ones in the mix. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37961340/9b75f8b3dbba18d2ff18b378271e7fed507f5b1e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37961340/54ade03ae48e8260439dfbd609353a38fc1b82cd.gif[/img] Guardian of the Synthwave is a small puzzler with a good old synthwave track. The game is nothing too fancy, and definitely not perfect, but I think it is good for some quick fun for a 48-hour project. [h3]Swamp area[/h3] But back to Timeless Adventure. I reworked the Swamp area quite a bit. It should now feel more swamp-like with old ruins scattered in (remains from the age of the dwarfs). I also want to rework the sky, which obviously doesn't fit into this rainy swamp area yet. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37961340/0f312f942fa447bf6365f79435e1673302bc8259.png[/img] [h3]Vegetation Shader[/h3] I also worked some more on the vegetation shader, which is now more versatile and can be applied to different plants, so that they can all swing in the wind. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37961340/47c17b6b6ed8d4fc26d2aec10fc9a9176d2c6b8a.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37961340/eeff9cdab88636d5040ca143f18ddd6269b5dea9.gif[/img] Other than that, there was just some under-the-hood stuff going on, where I can't really show much, since it was mostly code. But in case you wondered, the code is written in GDScript, the native Godot Engine script language, which I really like. It may not be the fastest language, but it is super convenient and not too hard to get the hang of. I hope you liked this short Dev Update #8. Check out [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1293110/view/4715810192403415841]Dev Update #7[/url] in case you missed it and please consider [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1293110]wishlisting[/url][/b] the game. If you want to learn more you can also follow me on various social media platforms (find all of them [url=https://freetimedev.net/]here on my website[/url]). Thank you and see you next time.